Iranians have a lot of good experience in breeding and distributing aquatic species such as fish and shrimp. Of all the countries in Asia, China and Russia have the highest consumption of aquatic animals and are among their favorite foods. Many countries want and favor Iranian salmon.
We can prepare fish such as salmon, trout, Yellow fins tuna, Quinn fish, Japanese threadfin bream fish, Beluga fish and EEL fish fellet according to your needs in the shortest possible time and deliver it to the destination country.
High Quality
Fishes Like salmon, trout, Yellow fins tuna, Quinn fish, Japanese threadfin bream fish, Beluga fish and EEL fish fellet
Yes, we can ship the fish in your desired packages.

Fish is the name of a group of cold-blooded aquatic creatures. They move through the water with the help of fins, using the pectoral fins when bypassing and the caudal fin when moving fast. The skin of the fish is covered with scales and is slippery. Fish breathe in water with gills on either side of their head. The generation of fish continues by spawning in water, from which one fish is born. In general, it can be said that fish are in the aquatic category and are laying.
Salmon fish
One of the most popular fish that we supply is salmon. This fish has consumers in different countries and delicious dishes can be prepared with it.
Salmon fish or North Sea salmon, or Saumon in French, is a unattached fish. Salmon are usually born in freshwater, then go to the oceans and return to freshwater to spawn again. Research has shown that they return to the place where they were born to lay eggs.
Regarding the difference between salmon and Trout, it should be noted that these two fish are from the same family, but the flesh of the salmon is pink or orange (pear). Salmon is a good source of vitamin D and vitamin E and has more omega-3s and protein than other fish.
Nutritional value of salmon
The amino acid tyrosine in this fish helps increase metabolism in the human body. In addition, salmon is a good source of vitamin D and vitamin E. The meat of this fish is richer in omega-3 and protein than other fish, and significantly reduces stress levels in humans. Salmon is low in calories and low in saturated fat. Omega-3s play a key role in protecting the skin, strengthening heart function and increasing heart health. 113 grams of this fish provides 87% of the body’s daily requirement for omega-3, and this large amount has very beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system; Prevents heart attacks, irregular heart rhythms, blood clots in the arteries, and lowers bad cholesterol. In the list of some properties of this fish are:
- Useful for cardiovascular health
- Useful for reducing stress levels
- Useful for lowering bad cholesterol
- Useful for the prevention of hypertension
- Useful for controlling high blood pressure
- Useful for boosting brain function
- Useful for protecting the skin from UV rays
100 grams of this fish has 20 grams of protein, 11 grams of fat and 180 kcal of energy.
The meat of this fish has more omega-3, protein and vitamin D than other fish. According to a report in the journal Science, salmon can contain some dioxin.
Tuna fish
Tuna is the name of several species of large ocean fish from the tuna family. Scombridea). This type of fish swims fast and its speed reaches 70 kilometers per hour. Some types of bodies are warm-blooded. Unlike other types of white meat, tuna has dark pink or red meat. The cause of their flesh redness is high levels of myoglobin (a protein contained in red iron in muscle) in muscle tissue. Hard tuna meat has many proteins and vitamins.
Most tuna live in warm seas, but many travel to the northern waters of the planet in the summer. One of the types of tuna is “blue fish wing” which is about 3 meters long. Albuquerque is another type of tuna. Some larger species of tuna, such as bluffin, can take their body heat with muscle activity above water temperature. This helps them survive in cold water. Tuna is the fish used in most canned fish.